Sunday, November 10, 2013

Apollo Lunar Landings

Apollo lunar landing sites 1969-1972 
Updated 26.11.2013 A list of all the manned Apollo landings between 1969 and 1972. Astronauts given in the order of Commander, Lunar Module Pilot and Command Module Pilot - the latter remains in the lunar orbit. 

Also listed the alleged Moon landings of Apollo 18, 19 and 20. Whether or not these took place remains to be seen. The mere fact of ASTP speaks loads here. But it does seem rather odd that there is no permanent Moon base of ours, and the simple reason could be that we are not allowed to have any settlement there by the present occupants. As always, time will tell.

APOLLO 11 (1st)
Launch date 16.7.1969.
Landing site: Mare Tranquillitatis
Astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Landing date July 20, first moonwalk July 21st. 21 hours on the Moon.
- NASA:Apollo11 - Time video(2m28s) - YouTube:OneSmallStep(1m45m) -

APOLLO 12 (2nd)
Launch date 14.11.1969
Landing site: Oceanus Procellarum
Astronauts: Charles Conrad, Alan Bean and Richard Gordon. 32 hours on the Moon.
- Apollo 12's covert EVA(1h) - NASA:Apollo12 - Wiki -

APOLLO 14 (3rd)
Launch date 31.1.1971
Landing site: Fra Mauro
Astronauts: Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell and Stuart Roosa. 33 hours on the Moon. Whereas Apollo 11 and 12 were more about proving that man could get down to the surface of the Moon, and then back safely to Earth, Apollo 14 was to be the first to do science there. Edgar Mitchell is the only one of these12 astronauts to go on record about his belief in extraterrestrial UFOs and of a possible government cover-up.
- UFOSightingsDaily:OldApollo14Photos - Wiki -

APOLLO 15 (4th)
Launch date 26.7.1971
Landing site: Hadley Rille / 26.1322194; 3.6338611 (Apollo 15 landing) / 26.1322194; 3.6338611 (Apollo 15 landing)
Astronauts: David Scott, James Irwin and Alfred Worden. 67 hours on the Moon.
Scott and Irwin must have seen the same hovering object above Hadley Rille as the NASA employees back in Houston: UFO Casebook:FormerNasaEmployeeSawUfosDuringApollo15Mission - which later took off straight up and went out of sight in less than a second.

APOLLO 16 (5th)
Launch date 16.4.1972
Landing site: Descartes Highlands
Astronauts: John Young,  Charles Duke and Ken Mattingly. 71 hours on the Moon.
- John Young falling on the Moon - NASA(29m08s) - Wiki - UFO-TV:Apollo16:TheUntoldStory(51m27s) -

APOLLO 17 (6th)
Launch date 7.12.1972. The last manned Apollo mission, according to official records.
Landing site: Taurus-Littrow
Astronauts: Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt and Ronald Evans. 75 hours on the Moon.
Apollo 17 Compiled - Discovery Channel: Apollo17(7m08s) - Jack Schmitt falling on the Moon - NASA - Wiki - UFO Flyby - YouTube:Gene&JackDiscussingSomethingInteresting(1m54s) 

And then the missions that according to NASA were cancelled 
If the US government did want to fly these secret missions after the six official ones, they could have made it happen. With the socalled black budget, money wasn't an issue, and since they already had the crafts, only motivation was needed. And that was what - to find about the dark side?

APOLLO 18 (7th?)
Launched in July 1975 (according to William Rutledge)
Landing site was to be Copernicus crater.
- YouTube:Apollo18Footage(10m00s) -

According to AlienXFiles
The Apollo 18 mission was launched to discover what happened to the cosmonaut spaceship which had been exploring the dark side of the moon. Apollo 18 planned to land there. A team of 4 was sent as part of a joint US/Russian cooperating mission. When the capsule approached the moon it began to see the light flashes which it discovered were coming from the potential crash site. A team of three landed on the Moon to discover a crashed and disassembled Russian spaceship. The crew researched for hours before the remaining crew member aboard the ship lost contact. The last thing he heard from the main ship was screaming and an obvious struggle. He then fled with the ship back to earth, leaving the rest of the crew on the lunar surface with no hope for return.- AlienXFiles

However, the first joint US-Soviet space flight, Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) was launched on July 15, 1975. The Americans from Kennedy Space Center, and the Russians from Baikonur Cosmodrome. They docked and shook hands somewhere above France on July 18.

There is also a 2011 scifi horror film named Apollo 18. Plot line: Decades-old found footage from NASA's abandoned Apollo 18 mission, where two American astronauts were sent on a secret expedition, reveals the reason the U.S. has never returned to the Moon.

APOLLO 19 (8th)
Launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base (California).
Landing site was to be Hadley Rille.
According to astronaut William Rutledge, Apollo 19 failed because of "a loss of telemetry, a brutal end of mission without data" (see the interview with W.Rutledge).

According to AlienXFiles
Apollo 19 was immediately launched in hopes of retrieving the remaining crew of Apollo 18. It was believed they might be able to survive long enough in the lunar lander for a rescue mission to be possible. What they discovered was a disassembled lunar lander and no bodies. They managed to retrieve the research equipment, including cameras, before immediately leaving the moon. - AlienXFiles
- An interview with the Commander of Apollo 19 -

APOLLO 20 (9th?)
Launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base (California) in August 1976.
Landing site was to be Tycho crater.
Alleged astronauts: William Rutledge, Leona Marietta Snyder and Alexey Leonov.

The goal of these two presumed secret joint space missions (Apollo 19 and 20) - result of an American-Soviet collaboration - was to reach the backside of the Moon (the Delporte-Izsak region, close to the well-known Tsiolkovsky crater) and to explore a huge object found out during the Apollo 15 mission (photo by Apollo 15) from the height of 117 km. What the Apollo 20 crew found was a huge and ancient alien spaceship, "approximately 4 kilometers long" (W. Rutledge). 
Scott Waring in UFO Sightings Daily: "It is said that the Apollo 20 mission went inside this mothership and harvested the technology that they could find, including its alien pilot who was naked, but covered in clear wax like coating. They said she was not dead and not living, but in between. She was found attached to the pilot controls with several hoses going into her body". 

According to AlienXFiles
The Apollo 15 cameras had shown a large ship docked on the dark side of the Moon, and Apollo 20 was launched to get a better look. The Apollo 20 footage has since been leaked. - AlienXFiles

PS. To confuse us even more,  Apollo 20 has recently been adopted in a completely different field as "a bold initiative to transform public education in Houston and improve the academic achievement of all students".

Newspaper articles on Apollo 20
2010-1223 Kuul lebab hiigelsuur ufo vrakk? (Õhtuleht/Estonia) EST  

Angelo Smarriti - Wiki: CancelledApolloMissions - Wiki:WikiUserDebunkingApollo20 -
YouTube:Apollo 20 Controversy(42m56s/SpanishWithEnglishSubs) -

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Language Corner

Updated 29.12.2013  If you are interested in reading about ufology in foreign newspapers in languages other than English, then this little language corner might be helpful. More words and terms will follow. In the Japanese translation you have both romaji, kanji and kana.

alien abduction
ufobortførelse (DAN) = ufosieppaus, abduktio (FIN) = récit d’enlèvement par les extraterrestre (FRA) = Entführung durch Außerirdische (GER) = rapimento alieno (ITA) = yuukai 誘拐 = ゆうかい (JPN) = abdução (POR) = похищение, абдукция (RUS) = abducción (SPA) = bortförande (SWE)

cattle mutilation
la mutilation de bétail (FRA) = mutilazione del bestiame (ITA) = mutilação de gado (POR) = yвечье скота (RUS) = la mutilación de ganado (SPA) =

close encounter
xxx ((DAN)) = lähikontakti (FIN) = rencontree rapprochée (FRA) = Nahbegegnung (GER) = incontro ravvicinato (ITA) = sekkin sooguu 接近遭遇 = せっきんそうぐう (JPN) = xxx (NOR) = encontro imediato (POR) = близкий контакт (RUS) = encuentro cercano (SPA) = närkontakt (SWE)
crop circle
korncirkel ((DAN)) = viljakuvio, viljaympyrä (FIN) = un cercle de culture, agroglyphe (FRA) = Kornkreis (GER) = cerchio nel grano (ITA) = misutarii-saakuru  ミステリー・サークル (JPN) = kornsirkel (NOR) = xxx (POR) = круг на полe (RUS) = un círculo en el pasto (SPA) = korncirkel, sädesfältscirkel (SWE)
crop circles
korncirkler ((DAN)) = vilkaringid (EST) = viljakuviot, viljaympyrät (FIN) = cercles de culture, agroglyphes (FRA) = Kornkreise (GER) = i cerchi nel grano, agroglifi (ITA) = misutarii-saakuru ミステリー・サークル (JPN) = kornsirklene (NOR) = круги на полях  (RUS) = los círculos en el pasto (SPA) = korncirklar (SWE)

Jorden ((DAN)) = Maa (EST) = Maa, maapallo (FIN) = la Terre (FRA) = die Erde (GER) = Jörðin (ICE) = la Terra (ITA) = chikyuu 地球 = ちきゅう (JPN) = Jorden (NOR) = a Terra (POR) = Земля  (RUS) = la Tierra (SPA) = Jorden (SWE) 

extraterrestrial being, alien 
et rumvæsen (DAN) = tulnukas (EST) = avaruusolio, muukalainen  (FIN) = un extraterrestre (FRA) = Außerirdischer (GER) = uchuu-jin 宇宙人= うちゅうじん (JPN) = romvesen (NOR) = extraterrestre (POR) = инопланетя́нин (RUS) = utomjording (SWE)

extraterrestrial life 
udenjordisk liv (DAN) = maaväline elu (EST) = Maan ulkopuolinen elämä (FIN) = la vie extraterrestre  (FRA) = Außerirdisches Leben (GER) = vita extraterrestre  (ITA) = chikyuu-gaiseimei 地球外生命 = ちきゅうがいせいめい (JPN) = utenomjordisk liv (NOR) = внеземная жизнь, инопланетная жизнь (RUS) = vida extraterrestre (SPA) = utomjordiskt liv (SWE)

flying saucer
flyvende tallerken (DAN) = lendav taldrik (EST) = lentävä lautanen (FIN) = soucoupe volante (FRA) = fliegende Untertasse (GER) = fljúgandi diskur (ICE) = sora-tobuen-ban  空飛ぶ円盤 = そらとぶえんばん (JPN) = flyvende tallerken (NOR) = disco voador (POR) = летающая тарелка (RUS) = flygande tefat (SWE)

Jupiter (DAN) = Jupiter (EST) = Jupiter (FIN) = Jupiter (FRA) = Jupiter (GER) = Júpíter (ICE) = Jupiter (ITA) = mokusei 木星もくせい (JPN) = Jupiter (NOR) = Júpíter (POR) = Юпитер (RUS) = Júpiter (SPA) = Jupiter (SWE) 

Mars (DAN) = Marss (EST) = Mars (FIN) = Mars (FRA) = Mars (GER) = Mars (ICE) = Mars (ITA) = kasei 火星 = かせい (JPN) = Mars (NOR) = Marte (POR) = Марс (RUS) = Marte (SPA) = Mars (SWE) 

Merkur (DAN) = Merkuur (EST) = Merkurius (FIN) = Mercure (FRA) = Merkur (GER) = Merkúríus (ICE) = Mercurio (ITA) = suisei 水星 = すいせい (JPN) = Merkur (NOR) = Mercúrio (POR) = Меркýрий (RUS) = Mercurio (SPA) = Merkurius (SWE)

meteoroid (in space) I
meteoroid (DAN) = meteoroid, meteoorkeha (EST) = meteoriitti (FIN) = météoroïde (FRA) = Meteoroid (GER) = meteoroide (ITA) = ryuusei 流星りゅうせい (JPN) = meteoritt (NOR) = meteoroide (POR) = метеорóид (RUS) = meteoroide (SPA) = metereoid, meteorid (SWE)
meteor, falling star (in the air) /
meteor (DAN) = meteor (EST) = meteori, tähdenlento (FIN) = météore, étoile filante (FRA) = Meteor (GER) = meteora, stella cadente (ITA) (JPN) = meteor, stjerneskudd (NOR) = meteoro (POR) = метеор (RUS) = meteoro (SPA) = meteor, stjärnfall (SWE)
meteorite (on the ground)__
meteorit (DAN) = meteoriit (EST) = meteoriitti (FIN) = météorite (FRA) = Meteorit (GER) = loftsteinn (ICE) = meteorite (ITA) = inseki 隕石 =  いんせき (JPN) = meteoritt (NOR) = meteorito (POR) = метеори́т (RUS) = meteorito (SPA) = meteorit, meteoritsten (SWE)

the Moon
Månen (DAN) = Kuu (EST) = Kuu (FIN) = la Lune (FRA) = der Mond (GER) = Tunglið, Máninn (ICE) = la Luna (ITA) = tsuki 月= つき (JPN) = Månen (NOR) = a Lua (POR) = Лунá (RUS) = la Luna (SPA) = Månen (SWE)

(DAN) = emalaev (EST) = emäalus (FIN) = Mutterschiff (GER) = x (RUS) = moderskepp (SWE)   

Neptun (DAN) = Neptuun (EST) = Neptunus (FIN) = Neptune (FRA) = Neptun (GER) = Neptúnus (ICE) = Nettuno (ITA) = kaiousei 海王星 = かいおうせい (JPN) = Neptun (NOR) = Neptuno (POR) = Нептýн (RUS) = Neptuno (SPA) = Neptunus (SWE) 

planet (DAN) = planeet (EST) = planeetta (FIN) = une planète (FRA) = ein Planet (GER) = reikistjarna (ICE) = un pianeta (ITA) = wakusei  惑星 = わくせい (JPN) = planet (NOR) = um planeta (POR) = планета (RUS) = un planeta (SPA) = planet (SWE) 

Saturn (DAN) = Saturn (EST) = Saturnus (FIN) = Saturne (FRA) = der Saturn (GER) = Satúrnus (ICE) = Saturno (ITA) = dosei 土星 = どせい (JPN) = Saturn (NOR) = Saturno (POR) = Сатýрн (RUS) = Saturno (SPA) = Saturnus (SWE)

Solar System
Solsystemet (DAN) = Päikesesüsteem (EST) = aurinkokunta (FIN) = le Système solaire (FRA) = das Sonnensystem (GER) = sólkerfið (ICE) = il sistema solare (ITA) = taiyoukei  太陽系 = たいようけい (JPN) = solsystemet (NOR) = o Sistema Solar (POR) = Сóлнечная систéма (RUS) = el Sistema Solar (SPA) = solsystemet (SWE)

ydre rum (DAN) = maailmaruum, kosmos (EST) = avaruus, ulkoavaruus (FIN) = l'espace (FRA) = Weltraum (GER) = geimurinn (ICE) = spazio (ITA) = uchuu-kuukan 宇宙空間 = うちゅうくうかん (JPN) = xxx (NOR) = espaço sideral (POR) = космическое пространство, космос (RUS) = espacio exterior (SPA) = rymden, yttre rymd (SWE)

space station
rumstation (DAN) = orbitaaljaam, kosmosejaam (EST) = avaruusasema (FIN) = une station spatiale (FRA) = eine Raumstation (GER) = geimstöð  (ICE) = stazione spaziale (ITA) = uchuu-sutaajion  宇宙ステーション = うちゅうステーション(JPN) = romstasjon (NOR)  = uma estação espacial (POR) = oрбитальная станция (RUS) = estación espacial (SPA) = rymdstation (SWE)

stjerne (DAN) = täht (EST) = tähti (FIN) = étoile (FRA) = Stern (GER) = stjarna (ICE) = stella (ITA) = kousei  恒星= こうせい (JPN) = stjerne (NOR) = estrela (POR) = звeздá (RUS) = estrella (SPA) = stjärna (SWE)

the Sun
Solen (DAN) = Päike (EST) = Aurinko (FIN) = le Soleil (FRA) = die Sonne (GER) = Sólin (ICE) = il Sole (ITA) = taiyou 太陽 = たいよう (JPN) = Solen (NOR) = o Sol (POR) = Сóлнце (RUS) = el Sol (SPA) = Solen (SWE) 

en ufo (DAN) = ufo (EST) = UFO (FIN) = ovni (FRA) = ein UFO (GER) = FHH (ICE) = OVNI (ITA) = UFO, ユーフォー (JPN) = UFO (NOR) = OVNI (POR) = НЛО (RUS) = OVNI (SPA) = UFO (SWE)

kupolinmuotoinen (FIN) = doomu kata ドーム型 (JPN) =
lautasenmuotoinen (FIN) =  enban-kata  円盤型 (JPN) =
pallomainen (FIN) = kyuu-kata  球型 (JPN) =
sikaarinmutoinen (FIN) =  葉巻き型 (JPN) =

UFO sighting
ufovaatlus (EST) = UFO-havainto (FIN) = observation d'ovni (FRA) = UFO-Sichtung (GER) = avvistamento di UFO (ITA) = avistamiento ovni (SPA) = ufo-observation (SWE) 

Unidentified Flying Object
uidentificeret flyvende objekt (DAN) = tundmatu lendav ese (EST) = tuntematon lentävä esine (FIN) = un objet volant non identifié (FRA) = unidentifizierbares fliegendes Objekt  (GER) = fljúgandi furðuhlutur  (ICE) = oggetto volante non identificato (ITA) = mikakunin hikou buttai 未確認飛行物体 = みかくにんひこうぶったい (JPN) = objeto voador não identificado (POR) = неопо́знанный лета́ющий объе́кт (RUS) = objeto volador no identificado (SPA) = oidentifierat flygande föremål (SWE)

Uranus (DAN) = Uraan (EST) = Uranus (FIN) = Uranus (FRA) = der Uranus (GER) = Úranus (ICE) = Urano (ITA) = tennousei 天王星= てんのうせい (JPN) = Uranus (NOR) = Urano (POR) = Урáн (RUS) = Urano (SPA) = Uranus (SWE)

Venus (DAN) = Veenus (EST) = Venus (FIN) = Vénus (FRA) = die Venus (GER) = Venus (ICE) = Venere (ITA) = kinsei  金星 = きんせい (JPN) = Venus (NOR) = Vénus (POR) = Венéра (RUS) = Venus (SPA) = Venus (SWE)

witness, eyewitness
vidne (DAN) = tunnistaja (EST) = todistaja, silminnäkijä (FIN) = témoin (FRA) = Zeuge (GER) = testimone (ITA) = shounin  証人= しょうにん (JPN) = vitne (NOR) = testemunha (POR) = cвидéтель (RUS) = testigo (SPA) = vittne (SWE)   

 xxx (DAN) = xxx (EST) = xxx (FIN) = xxx (FRA) = xxx (GER) = xxx (ICE) = xxx (ITA) = xxx (JPN) = xxx (NOR) = xxx (POR) = xxx (RUS) = xxx () = xxx (SPA) = xxx (SWE)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

News in the 2000s

Updated 27.1.2014 Here is a list of news articles for the 2000s. News concerning ufology, space exploration, crop circles etc. Other articles are found in the main news page and in News in the 2010s. This is of course in order to better manage the increasing volume of data involved. Hopefully you manage to find something interesting to read smoothly enough. As always, there are language labels after every link to make  your search easier.


- 2000 -
2000-0215 Moviliza un OVNI a policías (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2000-0418 Secret 'UFO base' revealed (BBC) ENG
2000-0420 Russian Spy Photos of Area 51 Hit Web (The Moscow Times/Russia) ENG
2000-0808 Aficionados estudian documentos oficiales sobre OVNIs (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA
2000-0809 Q&A: Crop cirles (BBC) ENG
2000-1227 "Jarðarför" geimstöðvarinnar Mír hugsanlega frestað (MBL/Iceland) ICE
- 2001 -
2001-0218 EE.UU. desclasifica documentos secretos sobre ovnis en Chile (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA
2001-0329 A UFOlogist invades Dallas (Dallas Observer) ENG
2001-0407 La NASA lanza su tercera sonda espacial en dos años para buscar... (El País) SPA 
2001-0510 UFO spotters slam 'US cover-up' (BBC) ENG 
2001-0627 Fljúgandi furðuhlutir og forseti (MBL(Iceland) ICE
2001-0731 Korncirkler giver trafikkaos (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2001-0802 Amerikansk interesse for dansk korncirkel (J-P/Denmark) DAN
Tout sur les ovnis d'Europe et d'ailleurs Les extraterrestres...?
on TV (Le Soir/Belgium) FRA
2001-1011 Una tormenta de polvo y arena azota la superficie de Marte (El País) SPA

 - 2002 -
2002-0327 Weniger Ufo-Meldungen in Deutschland (Stern) GER
2002-0424 Scots lead the way for UFO sightings (The Guardian) ENG
2002-0527 Una nave de la NASA detecta nuevos indicios de agua helada en Marte (El País) SPA
2002-0627 'UFOs? I've seen 180' (BBC) ENG
2002-0708 Ufo-Startrampe in China (Der Spiegel) GER 
2002-0813 The Circular Logic of 'Signs' (Time) ENG 
2002-0911 Segir tunglfara hafa rekið sér löðrung (MBL) ICE
2002-0925 Flying Saucers at Ukrainian Web Site (The Moscow Times/Russia) ENG
2002-1018 НЛО в России: документы есть, только в этом никто не... (Pravda/Russia) RUS
2002-1022 Feds asked to shed light on UFOs (LasVegasSun)
2002-1028 First dog in space died within hours (BBC) ENG
2002-1202 El Reino Unido desclasifica sus 'expedientes X' sobre avistamientos de... (El País) SPA
2002-1204 Spielberg producerar ny tv-serie om ufo-äventyr (DN/Sweden) SWE
2002-1208 Word for Word: The Rendlesham File (The New York Times) ENG
2002-1227 Hat eine UFO-Sekte einen Menschen geklont? (Stern) GER

- 2003 -
2003-0602 Europa se estrena en la exloración planetaria con el lanzamiento de... (El País) SPA 
2003-0712 Dularfullir hringir á ökrum í Sacramento - on crop circles (MBL) ICE
2003-0715 АВАКСы в Грузии будут искать НЛО - about UFOs in Georgia (Pravda/Russia) RUS
2003-0901 UFO-entusiaster fra hele verden mødes i Peru (J-P/Denmark)
Von fliegenden Tellern und flüchtenden Maschinen (Stern) GER   

2003-1130 China, amante de los ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA 
2003-1203 El 'Mars Express' envía sus primeras imágenes del planeta rojo (El País) SPA
El robot 'Beagle2' se separa con éxito de la sonda 'Mars Express' (El País)

- 2004 -
2004-0114 Bush boðar geimferðir til tunglsins og Mars (MBL) ICE
2004-0122 La NASA pierde contacto con el 'Spirit'en Marte (El País) SPA 
2004-0125 El robot de la NASA 'Opportunity' envía sus primeras imágenes... (El País) SPA
2004-0126 Space: Mission to Mars - SB (Time)
2004-0302 La NASA revela que "hubo un ambiente habitable" en Marte... (El País) SPA
2004-0323 El 'Opportunity' abandona el cráter en el que se posó para explorar... (El País)
2004-0323 Misteriosa imagen en Marte (El Universal/Mexico)
2004-0324 Jaime Maussan, ¿loco o visionario? (El Universal/Mexico) SPA 
2004-0329 La nave europea 'Mars Express' detecta gas metano en la atmósfera de... (El País) SPA
2004-0512 Mexico pilots release 'UFO film' (BBC)
2004-0512 Mysteriöse Kugeln: Mexikanische Luftwaffe zeigt Ufo-Video (Der Spiegel) GER
2004-0513 Fljúgandi diskar yfir Mexíkó? (MBL) ICE
2004-0515 Cientifícos mexicanos miegan que los objetos avistados en Campeche... (El País)
2004-0606 Den här artikeln kan vara en konspiration (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2004-0701 UFO over Durban captured on video (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
2004-0811 Hallan 'pruebas' de supuesto ovni (El Universal/Mexico)
2004-0815 City named 'top spot for aliens' (BBC)
2004-0902 Mystisk rymdsignal kan vara utomjordingar (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2004-1015 En Valparaíso creen haber visto un OVNI (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA
- 2005 -
2005-0223 La 'Mars Express' descubre un mar helado en el planeta rojo (El País) SPA
2005-0701 Fanáticos de los Ovnis se reúnen mañana en Santiago (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA 
2005-0812 La NASA lanza con éxito una nueva sonda espacial hacia Marte (El País) SPA 
2005-0906 Neil Armstrong: Mönnuð Marsför kann að verða auðveldari en fyrsta tunglferðin (MBL) ICE
2005-0920 Robbie óttast innrás geimvera (MBL) ICE
- 2006 -
2006-0508 Los OVNIS existen, y ellos lo saben (El País) SPA
2006-0508 Inga utomjordingar i Storbritannien (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2006-0518 Военные раскрыли тайну существования НЛО: скорее «нет», чем «да» (Yoki) RUS
2006-0519 Британский хакер нашел фото НЛО в компьютерах Пентагона (Pravda) RUS
2006-0615 Ufos, fliegende Autos, Geisterschiffe - about Google Earth (Bild/Germany) GER

2006-0704 UFOs in SA aren't as rare as you think (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG 
2006-0809 „Fljúgandi furðuhlutir" reyndust partíljósker (MBL) ICE
2006-0824 Hnötturinn Plútó ekki lengur skilgreindur sem reikistjarna (MBL) ICE

2006-0920 UFO-Alarm! Nasa in Sorge um Space Shuttle (Bild/Germany) GER
Ufos bremsen "Atlantis" aus (Stern) GER
2006-0921 La 'Mars Express' fotografía la 'Cara de Marte' (El País) SPA
2006-0925 Deild innan breska varnarmálaráðuneytisins rannsakaði fljúgandi furðuhluti (MBL) ICE
Geheimdienst auf Ufo-Suche: Londons Area 51 (Der Spiegel) GER 
2013-1207 Fuglesang og tónlist ABBA loks á leið út í geim (MBL) ICE
2006-1228 Außerirdisches Leben: We want to believe! (Stern) ß GER

- 2007 -
2007-0102 Fljúgandi furðuhlutur yfir Chicago (MBL) ICE
2007-0107 In the sky! A bird? A plane? A...UFO? (Chicago Tribune) ENG
Revela Ejército chileno encuentros de sus pilotos con ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA 2007-0209 Ovnis en Chile (El País) SPA 
2007-0228 Kanadan ex-puolustusministeri etsii ilmastoapua ufoilta (IS/Finland) FIN
UFO over Brierley Hill (BBC) ENG
2007-0322 Internet-Archiv: Frankreich stellt Ufo-berichte ins Netz (Der Spiegel) GER
Francia abre los archivos de sus cazadores de OVNIS (El País) SPA
Abre Francia archivos de sus cazadores de ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2007-0323 Советские НЛО делались на тракторном заводе (Pravda/Russia) RUS
2007-0326 Frankrig åbner UFO-arkiver (J-P/Denmark) DAN
Former governor's UFO sighting no joke (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2007-0402 The aliens have landed... in France (The Guardian) ENG
Wie ein Air-France-Pilot einem Ufo begegnete (Stern) GER
Interest still high in UFOs, researcher says (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2007-0416 L'Aeronautica: avvistati tre UFO nel 2006 (Corriere della Sera/Italy) ITA
Bewohnbare Planeten: Die Suche beginnt gerade erst (Stern) GER
Walter M. Schirra Jr., Astronaut, dies at 84 (New York Times) ENG 
2007-0504 Astronaut Schirra laid path for Apollo (The Denver Post) ENG
Kontroversielt ufo-foredrag (J-P/Denmark) DAN
Schwebende Lichtobjekte: Ufos über Deutschland (Der Spiegel) GER
2007-1021 In the Orbit of UFO Enthusiasts (The Washington Post) ENG
Ex-defence minister joins search for aliens (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2007-1109 UFO-vidne: Jeg ved, hvad jeg så (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2007-1105 Locals say aliens; sceptics say beer (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
Kínverjar hyggjast smíða geimstöð fyrir árið 2020 (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2007-1112 Symington: I saw UFO in Arizona sky (AzCentral) ENG 
2007-1113 Clinton Presidential Library Releases Files on UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2007-1113 US group demands answers on UFOs (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
2007-1114 Pilots Urge Government to Investigate UFOs (Fox News) ENG
Piloter kräver att ufo utreds (GP/Sweden) SWE
Shirley MacLaine Enters 'The No Spin Zone' to Talk with Bill... (Fox News) ENG
Japan's Top Government Spokesman: UFOs 'Definitely' Exist (Fox News) ENG
Japanin puolustusministeri sanoo varautuvansa ufoihin (IS/Finland) FIN
„Marsmyrkvi" á aðfangadag (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2007-1224 Congress takes a shot at secrecy - about the Freedom of IA (The Denver Post) ENG

- 2008 -
2008-0115 Ufohavainnot hämmentävät amerikkalaisessa pikkukaupungissa - (IS/Finland) FIN
On Stephenville UFO sightings (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG 
2008-0203 UFO witness claims harassment (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG 
2008-0204 Íranar segjast hafa sent flugskeyti út í geim (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2008-0229 UFO-Norge får meldinger hver uke (/Nettavisen/Norway) NOR
Sobrevuelan objetos no identificados zona centro del DF (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
'I've seen UFOs three times', claims Robbie Williams (Daily Mail/UK) ENG
Robbie Williams: Olen nähnyt ufoja! (IS/Finland) FIN
The laws of abduction (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2008-0323 Scientists envision aliens who are strangely familiar (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2008-0403 Branchengerücht: Steven Spielberg startet Ufo-Community (Der Spiegel) GER 
2008-0408 History Channel puts Stephenville on center stage again (Stephenville E-T/Texas) ENG 
2008-0514 Britain Releases its X-Files (Time) ENG
2008-0514 Reino Unido desclasifica por primera vez los archivos de... (El País) SPA 
2008-0514 Revelan informes británicos del gobierno sobre OVNIS (El Universal/Mexico) SPA 
2008-0529 Ufo räjähti Vietnamin taivaalla (SS/Finland) FIN
Alien video: Puppet or real E.T.? (The Denver Post) ENG
Kiinalaisyritys kehitti "ufon" (IS/Finland) FIN
Poliisit näkivät ufon Walesissa (IS/Finland) FIN
Ufotutkijoille sata havaintoa vuosittain (SS/Finland) FIN
MUFON says radar reports confirm UFOs (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
ET helps paranormal society poke holes in alien footage (The Denver Post) ENG
Mayoría de estadounidenses creen en los ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-0717 Spate of UFO sightings in the area (North Devon Journal) ENG
2008-0725 Astronaut: Utomjordingarna är här - about Edgar Mitchell (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2008-0729 'There's life in space' (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG 
Saunton family spot UFO (North Devon Journal) ENG
2008-0731 La luna marciana Fobos, al detalle (El País) SPA
'I'll say what I believe - space aliens' (Toronto Sun/Canada) ENG
2008-0822 Chilessä avattiin ufokävelyreitti - "Emme voi taata havaintoa" (IS/Finland) FIN
El 'hacker del Pentágono' será juzgado en EE UU (El País) SPA
Possible UFO sighting in Merton (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2008-0905 Outer-space vote costly (The Denver Post) ENG 
2008-0918 Possible UFO sighting at Instow (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2008-1020 Ufo-hemligheter ut i ljuset (DN/Sweden) SWE
Pilotos de combate estadounidenses recibieron orden de disparar... (El País) SPA 
2008-1020 Revela ex piloto de guerra que recibó orden de disparar a... (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-1021 North Sea Blip: A UFO (The Tampa Tribune) ENG 
2008-1021 "Keine Aliens einladen - sie könnten gefährlich sein!" (Bild/Germany) GER
2008-1021 Estuvo cerca de un Ovni un avión comercial antes de... (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-1022 Er denne ekte? - about the Turkey UFO (Nettavisen/Norway) NOR
2008-1026 They're back (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-1030 Sightings continue to puzzle residents (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-1123 Tefaten flyger igen (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2008-1229 University sends UFO course into deep space (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG 

- 2009 - 
2009-0108 Fljúgandi furðuhlutur á Bretlandi? -video (MBL) ICE
2009-0109 UFOs 'at fault' for broken wind turbines (China Daily) ENG
2009-0114 Are turbines alien target? (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-0114 'UFO Hunters' come to Mother Lode (The Union Democrat/California) ENG
2009-0119 Die Gefahr aus dem Weltall (Stern) GER
2009-0126 Engländer behaupten: Wir haben auf UFOs geschossen (Bild/Germany) GER 
2009-0127 Expert: RAF Pilots Ordered to Shoot Down UFOs (Fox News) ENG 
2009-0128 15-årig så ufo på Fyn - det danske flyvevåben har åbnet... (Ekstrabladet) DAN
2009-0128 Danmark öppnar ufoarkiv (DN/Sweden) SWE
2009-0129 15 þúsund tilkynningar á 50 árum - on UFO sightings in Denmark (MBL) ICE
2009-0219 La caccia agli Ufo, quattro casi italiani (Corriere della Sera/Italy) ITA
2009-0225 Natural Explanation Found for UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2009-0313 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Believes in UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2009-0320 Skeptical UFO investigator has feet on ground, eyes on sky (The Denver Post) ENG 
2009-0322 UFO-dokument avslöjar närkontakt av tredje graden (DN/Sweden) SWE
2009-0322 Skandinaviska ufon hos britter?(SvD/Sweden) SWE
2009-0329 Naves voladoras no identificadas son investigadas por la FAP (El Comercio/Peru) SPA
2009-0405 Galileo Put Us In Our Place (The Tampa Tribune) ENG
2009-0420 Þagað um geimverurnar (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2009-0421 Ex-Nasa-Astronaut: "Wir sind nich allein im All" (Stern) GER
2009-0421 Un ex astronauta estadounidense afirma que sí hay vida de... (El Comercio/Peru) SPA
2009-0422 Are UFOs real? Famous people who believed (The Telegraph) ENG
2009-0510 Eldorado för ufo-bitna (GP/Sweden) SWE
2009-0602 Ex-UFO Researcher Details British Government X-Files (Fox News) ENG
2009-0605 Former CIA director Hillenkoetter 'soberly concerned' about UFOs (Examiner) ENG 
2009-0625 La ESA: la puerta de Europa al espacio (El País) SPA
2009-0630 En berømt dansk ufo - contains a video(1m37s) (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-0718 Walter Cronkite saw UFO destroy a U.S. missile (Examiner) ENG
2009-0720 El eclipse total más largo del siglo XXI (El País) SPA
2009-0721 Kuu lisättiiin Googlen karttapalveluun (SS/Finland) FIN
2009-0805 North Port family reports UFO and alien sightings (The Tampa Tribune) ENG 
2009-0816 Britain releases info on UFO near U.S. air base (The Tampa Tribune) ENG
2009-0817 MoD's latest UFO files reveal saucerful of secrets (The Guardian/UK) ENG
2009-0817 UFO files are revealed (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-0817 Freigegebene Ufo-Akten: "Wir wollen, dass du mit uns kommst" (Der Spiegel) GER
2009-0818 Londres oficializa avistamiento de OVNI de 1980 (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2009-0828 'UFO' hovers over Chongqing for half an hour (China Daily) ENG
2009-0829 Indverskur tunglhnöttur sambandslaus (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2009-0906 MoD official talks about North Devon UFO (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-0907 Japan's First Lady: Introducing "Mrs. Occult" (Time) ENG
2009-0907 Japan's PM wife 'flew to Venus in UFO' (China Daily) ENG  
2009-0910 UFO sightings recalled by police eyewitnesses (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-0910 UFO seen by man on sea fishing trip (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-0924 Was the cigar-shaped object seen in sky by... (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-0924 Vatn fannst á tunglinu (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2009-0926 Periskop: Japans ydre rum (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-0928 Serving policeman Gary Heseltine moonlights as UFO investigator (The Telegraph) ENG
2009-0928 Sá fljúgandi furðuhlut - on the UFO sighting by Olivia Newton-John (MBL) ICE
2009-1003 Discriminés, les raëlins? (Le Soir/Belgium) FRA
2009-1008 UFO theory on five spheres in the sky (North Devon Journal/UK) ENG
2009-1013 'UFO cloud' hovers over Moscow (China Daily) ENG 
2009-1017 Le faux envol de Falcon Heene (Le Soir/Belgium) FRA
2009-1019 Rumvæsener over OL-by? (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-1019 Astronomen entdecken 32 ferne Welten (Stern) GER
2009-1204 How not to report a UFO (The Guardian) ENG
2009-1204 Den britiske regering lukker sin UFO-enhed (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-1205 No answer for UFO tipsters (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2009-1205 Ufo-Meldestelle geschlossen: Briten haben keine Angst mehr vor... (Der Spiegel) GER
2009-1209 Colorado cow mutilations baffle ranchers, cops, ... (The Denver Post) ENG
2009-1213 Dos lunas marcianas juntas (El País) SPA
2009-1217 A Brief History of UFOs (Time) ENG