AFB - Air Force Base
AFO - Alien Flying Object. No longer Unknown, but determined as being maneuvered by extraterrestials.
APRO - the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. Created in 1952, and remained active until 1988. Stressed scientific field investigations, and had a large staff of consulting Ph.D. scientists. Wiki
CE-5 - Close Encounter of the fifth kind
CGI - Computer-generated imagery - Wiki
Close encounter of the first kind - Visual sightings of an unidentified flying object. Also, a person sees a UFO within 150 metres.
Close encounter of the second kind - An encounter with a UFO in the sky or on the ground leaves evidence behind such as scorch marks on the ground or indents, etc.
Close encounter of the third kind - Sightings of "occupants" in and around the UFO.
Close encounter of the fourth kind - Involves the person being taken and experimented on inside the alien craft.
Close encounter of the fifth kind - Involves direct communication between aliens and humans.
Condon Committee - Informal name of the University of Colorado UFO Project, a group funded by the United States Air Force from 1966 to 1968. Resulted in the Condon Report in 1968 that said the study of UFOs was unlikely to yield major scientific discoveries. Wiki
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid, a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses. Wiki
EBE - Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
EMP - Electromagnetic pulse
EMV - Electromagnetic vehicles
ETH - Extraterrestrial Hypothesis - is the hypothesis that some unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are best explained as being extraterrestrial life or non-human aliens from other planets occupying physical spacecraft visiting Earth. Wiki
EVA - Extra-vehicular activity - any activity done by an astronaut or cosmonaut outside of a spacecraft beyond the Earth's appreciable atmosphere, i.e. spacewalks & moonwalks -Wiki
Exopolitics - the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life.
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration, divided into four "lines of business": airports, air traffic organization, aviation safety & commercial space transportation.
GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar, used to see what's below the surface, especially when no excavation order is received.
IAU - International Astronomical Union - Wiki
IDH / IH - Interdimensional hypothesis - an idea advanced by some ufologists that says unidentified flying objects and related events involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own. UFOs are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural creatures. Wiki
Laser - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LM - Lunar Module
LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
MAAR - Malevolent Alien Abduction Research
Maser - Molecular amplification by stimulated emission radiation
MJ-12 - The Majestic 12. The members: Lloyd Berkner, D.W.Bronk, Vannevar Bush, James Forrestal, Gordon Gray, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Jerome Hunsaker, Donald Menzel, Robert Montague, Sidney Souers, Nathan Twining and Hoyt Vandenburg.
MUFON - the Mutual UFO Network. An Americannon-profit organization that investigates cases of reported UFO sightings - one of the oldest and largest UFO-investigative organizations in the United States. Originally established as the Midwest UFO Network in 1969. Most of MUFON's early members had earlier been associated with APRO. Wiki
NASA - the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research, established in 1958. Wiki
NICAP - the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. A civilian unidentified flying object research group active in the United States from the 1950s to the 1980s. Wiki
NSA - National Security Acency - Wiki
Project Blue Book (1952-1969) One of a series of systematic studies of UFOs conducted by the U.S. Air Force. Wiki
Project Grudge (1949-1951) A short-lived project by the U.S. Air Force to investigate UFOs. Grudge would take over where Sign had left off. But standard intelligence procedures were not being followed, for everything was now being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn't exist. Wiki
Project Sign (1948) An official U.S. government study of UFOs undertaken by the U.S.Air Force. The final report stated: "While some UFOs appear to represent actual aircraft there is not enough data to determine their origin". However, prior to this report most of the project's personnel came to favor the extraterrestrial hypothesis before that opinion was rejected, Sign was dissolved and replaced by Project Grudge. Wiki
Reverse engineering - the process of discovering the technological principles of a device or system through analysis of its structure, function and operation. Often involves taking something apart and analyzing its workings in detail in order to try to make a new device or program that does the same thing without using or simply duplicating (without understanding) the original. viewzone.com. - Wiki
Robertson Panel (1953) A scientific committee which arose from a recommendation from the CIA review of the Project Blue Book, and the numerous UFO sightings in Washington. The Panel's report concluded: most UFO reports can be explained as misidentification of mundane aerial objects. A public education campaign should be undertaken in order to reduce public interest in the subject, minimising the risk of swamping Air Defence systems with reports at critical times. Also, civilian UFO groups should be monitored. Wiki
RV - remote viewing - is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particular, extra-sensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind". Wiki
SETI - the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - the collective name for a number of activities undertaken to search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. Wiki
UFO - Unidientified Flying Object
USO - Unidientified Submerged Object
Whistleblower - A person who exposes misconduct, alleged dishonest or illegal activity occurring in an organization. Wiki
WikiLeaks - an international, online, non-profit organisation which publishes secret information, news leaks and classified media from anonymous sources. Wiki
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