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Apollo lunar landing sites 1969-1972 |
Also listed the alleged Moon landings of Apollo 18, 19 and 20. Whether or not these took place remains to be seen. The mere fact of ASTP speaks loads here. But it does seem rather odd that there is no permanent Moon base of ours, and the simple reason could be that we are not allowed to have any settlement there by the present occupants. As always, time will tell.
Launch date 16.7.1969.
Landing site: Mare Tranquillitatis
Astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Landing date July 20, first moonwalk July 21st. 21 hours on the Moon.
- NASA:Apollo11 - Time video(2m28s) - YouTube:OneSmallStep(1m45m) -
APOLLO 12 (2nd)
Launch date 14.11.1969
Landing site: Oceanus Procellarum
Astronauts: Charles Conrad, Alan Bean and Richard Gordon. 32 hours on the Moon.
- Apollo 12's covert EVA(1h) - NASA:Apollo12 - Wiki -
APOLLO 14 (3rd)
Launch date 31.1.1971
Landing site: Fra Mauro
Astronauts: Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell and Stuart Roosa. 33 hours on the Moon. Whereas Apollo 11 and 12 were more about proving that man could get down to the surface of the Moon, and then back safely to Earth, Apollo 14 was to be the first to do science there. Edgar Mitchell is the only one of these12 astronauts to go on
record about his belief in extraterrestrial UFOs and of
a possible government cover-up.
- UFOSightingsDaily:OldApollo14Photos - Wiki -APOLLO 15 (4th)
Launch date 26.7.1971
Landing site: Hadley Rille
Astronauts: David Scott, James Irwin and Alfred Worden. 67 hours on the Moon.
Scott and Irwin must have seen the same hovering object above Hadley Rille as the NASA employees back in Houston: UFO Casebook:FormerNasaEmployeeSawUfosDuringApollo15Mission - which later took off straight up and went out of sight in less than a second.
APOLLO 16 (5th)
Launch date 16.4.1972
Landing site: Descartes Highlands
Astronauts: John Young, Charles Duke and Ken Mattingly. 71 hours on the Moon.
- John Young falling on the Moon - NASA(29m08s) - Wiki - UFO-TV:Apollo16:TheUntoldStory(51m27s) -
APOLLO 17 (6th)
Launch date 7.12.1972. The last manned Apollo mission, according to official records.
Landing site: Taurus-Littrow
Astronauts: Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt and Ronald Evans. 75 hours on the Moon.
Apollo 17 Compiled - Discovery Channel: Apollo17(7m08s) - Jack Schmitt falling on the Moon - NASA - Wiki - UFO Flyby - YouTube:Gene&JackDiscussingSomethingInteresting(1m54s)
And then the missions that according to NASA were cancelled
If the US government did want to fly these secret missions after the six official ones, they could have made it happen. With the socalled black budget, money wasn't an issue, and since they already had the crafts, only motivation was needed. And that was what - to find about the dark side? APOLLO 18 (7th?)
Launched in July 1975 (according to William Rutledge)
Landing site was to be Copernicus crater.
- YouTube:Apollo18Footage(10m00s) -
According to AlienXFiles
The Apollo 18 mission was launched to discover what happened to the
cosmonaut spaceship which had been exploring the dark side of
the moon. Apollo 18 planned to land there. A team of 4 was sent as
part of a joint US/Russian cooperating mission. When the capsule
approached the moon it began to see the light flashes which it
discovered were coming from the potential crash site. A team of three
landed on the Moon to discover a crashed and disassembled Russian
spaceship. The crew researched for hours before the remaining crew
member aboard the ship lost contact. The last thing he heard from the
main ship was screaming and an obvious struggle. He then fled with the
ship back to earth, leaving the rest of the crew on the lunar surface
with no hope for return.- AlienXFiles
However, the first joint US-Soviet space flight, Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) was launched on July 15, 1975. The Americans from Kennedy Space Center, and the Russians from Baikonur Cosmodrome. They docked and shook hands somewhere above France on July 18.
However, the first joint US-Soviet space flight, Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) was launched on July 15, 1975. The Americans from Kennedy Space Center, and the Russians from Baikonur Cosmodrome. They docked and shook hands somewhere above France on July 18.
APOLLO 19 (8th)
Launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base (California).
Landing site was to be Hadley Rille.
According to astronaut William Rutledge, Apollo 19 failed because of "a loss of telemetry, a brutal end of mission without data" (see the interview with W.Rutledge).
According to AlienXFiles
Apollo 19 was immediately launched in hopes of retrieving the
remaining crew of Apollo 18. It was believed they might be able to survive long
enough in the lunar lander for a rescue mission to be possible. What
they discovered was a disassembled lunar lander and no bodies. They
managed to retrieve the research equipment, including cameras, before
immediately leaving the moon. - AlienXFiles
- An interview with the Commander of Apollo 19 -APOLLO 20 (9th?)
Launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base (California) in August 1976.
Landing site was to be Tycho crater.
Alleged astronauts: William Rutledge, Leona Marietta Snyder and Alexey Leonov.
The goal of these two presumed secret joint space missions (Apollo 19 and 20) - result of an
American-Soviet collaboration - was to reach the backside of the Moon (the
Delporte-Izsak region, close to the well-known Tsiolkovsky crater) and to
explore a huge object found out during the Apollo 15 mission (photo by Apollo 15) from the height of 117 km. What the Apollo 20
crew found was a huge and ancient alien spaceship, "approximately 4
kilometers long" (W. Rutledge).
Scott Waring in UFO Sightings Daily: "It is said that the Apollo 20 mission went inside this mothership and harvested the technology that they could find, including its alien pilot who was naked, but covered in clear wax like coating. They said she was not dead and not living, but in between. She was found attached to the pilot controls with several hoses going into her body".
Newspaper articles on Apollo 20
According to AlienXFiles
The Apollo 15 cameras had shown a large ship docked on the dark side of the Moon, and Apollo 20 was launched to get a better look. The Apollo 20 footage has since been leaked. - AlienXFiles
PS. To confuse us even more, Apollo 20 has recently been adopted in a completely different field as "a bold initiative to transform public education in Houston and improve the academic achievement of all students".
PS. To confuse us even more, Apollo 20 has recently been adopted in a completely different field as "a bold initiative to transform public education in Houston and improve the academic achievement of all students".
2010-1223 Kuul lebab hiigelsuur ufo vrakk? (Õhtuleht/Estonia) EST
Angelo Smarriti - Wiki: CancelledApolloMissions - Wiki:WikiUserDebunkingApollo20 -
YouTube:Apollo 20 Controversy(42m56s/SpanishWithEnglishSubs) -
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