Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Giving credit where credit is due

There are a lot of people all around the world who have contributed to the advancement of  knowledge of the extraterrestrial issue. People like Paul Hellyer who a couple days ago was interviewed by Sophie Shevardnadze at RT (formerly Russia Today). He is talking straight - like Stephen Greer, Stanton Friedman, Edgar Mitchell and many many others -  about things that many people just ridicule, calling spade a spade where many would see a club - against all evidence and logic. It is true that the human eye is fallible - just like our other senses. The picture to the right for example fools many of us to think that it isn't straight - when in fact it is - only the card is not. So we may not believe even when we see, hear, smell, taste or sense - because deep down we know that we might be wrong, and we don't want to subject ourselves to doubt and ridicule - so dismissal is a copout and always an easy choice if and when the majority would think so too. That is why we should give credit where credit is due - to the brave men and women - not in space this time but here on Earth - who dare to question, go forward even at a great personal expense, and pave way for the rest of us. Thank you!

This blog wishes all its readers
A Very Interesting and Happy New Year !

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