Saturday, August 24, 2013

Unseen, but still on photo

Updated 29.1.2014 Here you have cases where people have taken pictures or video of the sky and surroundings, and only later realized that they caught something on the photo/film that they never saw or noticed initially.
This raises an interesting dilemma: how much is there actually that we don't see but is still there to be caught on film?

1996-1027- Lajos Kosina in Erpatak, Hungary took a photo of his girlfriend, and realized only after developing the film that there was a disc-shaped UFO in the sky in the background. Investigated by the Hungarian UFO Network (HUFON) and found authentic. - UFO Evidence -
2009-03 Derek Burden took a photograph of London skyline, only later to realize the lights on it. - The Telegraph article -
2013-0525-1935 A man is videofilming chemtrails in Phoenix, Arizona, and only notices them. But later on playing the video back he also notices a UFO around the chemtrails. The realization makes him conclude that "it is possible that some optical frequencies are only discernible by digital or electronic means and unavailable to the human eye. UFO craft could be present in our atmosphere even when we believe they are not there. Very exciting thought indeed".  - Liberty Voice -

2014-0113 UFOs and Chem Trails Over Phoenix, Arizona (Liberty Voice) ENG

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